AMCS - the Advanced Music Construction System

EDITING A MIDI INSTRUMENT		the Advance Music Construction System


	Instrument Editor: Editing a MIDI Instrument


	This part of the documentation explains how the Instrument Editor for a
MIDI Instrument is used. This section allows for a MIDI Instrument to have
attributes and Samples manipulated either with the system static or whilst


	The Instrument Editor for a MIDI Instrument can be compared to a
hexadecimal editor on other systems. The display consists of a grid of 256
numeric values, these numeric values relate to the data sent to a MIDI device
as a message and must adhere to the MIDI specification, otherwise the
message transmission may affect the MIDI device settings in an unpredictable
way. MIDI messages may be stacked one after the other in the Editor, allowing
for complete control over the destination device.

	The Cursor in the Editor is presented as a flashing yellow and black
block, and can be moved with either the keyboard, mouse or Cursor Panel. Holding
the shift key on the keyboard or invoking select in the Cursor Panel will begin
and continue selecting the values in the Editor, selected data is shown as
dimmed. Pressing the control key on the keyboard whilst using the cursor keys
will move the Cursor multiple places as will the page up and down keys, and the
Cursor Panel. Moving the Cursor beyond the viewed 256 values will scroll the
view in the same direction if the data is greater in size than the viewed area.

	The following is a table to help translate decimal to hexadecimal
values. Anything greater than 15 will be shown as an additive to the lower
nibble (0 to 15) value to keep the table brief, so to convert a decimal find the
nearest lowest additive value, that will give you the upper nibble (10 to F0)
and then subtract that from the decimal and it should leave you with the lower
nibble (0 to F), then pair the nibbles to get a hexadecimal value.

	For example;	202 converts to
			202-192		(192 is C0)
			=10		(10 is 0A)
			so the hexadecimal value is CA

	It is worth noting that anything equal or above 128 (80 hexadecimal) is
considered a function, function start or a function end in MIDI messaging, so
any parameters presented in an instrument manual to fill in a preset MIDI
message must be below 128 (80 hexadecimal).

		Decimal			Hexadecimal
		----------------------- -----------------------
		0			00
		1			01
		2			02
		3			03
		4			04
		5			05
		6			06
		7			07
		8			08
		9			09
		10			0A
		11			0B
		12			0C
		13			0D
		14			0E
		15			0F
		+16			10
		+32			20
		+48			30
		+64			40
		+80			50
		+96			60
		+112			70
		+128			80
		+144			90
		+160			A0
		+176			B0
		+192			C0
		+208			D0
		+224			E0
		+240			F0


	Instrument Editor: Overview
	Instrument Editor: MIDI message templates
	Instrument Editor: Function Panel
	Side Bar: Cursor Panel
	Instrument Editor: Keyboard
	General: Glossary

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