![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUMENT EDITOR AMCS MIDI MESSAGE TEMPLATES the Advance Music Construction System SUBJECT Instrument Editor: MIDI message templates SUMMARY This part of the documentation provides templates for use within this section. A list of known MIDI message layouts for use with the Instrument Editor. DESCRIPTION Below are templates for use with stacking MIDI messaging in the MIDI Instrument Editor, each part will show a description, the named MIDI message components and a format layout, the format is presented as raw data with various acronyms to indicate parameters. nP is a nibble parameter with a preset upper nibble, hP is the high half of a fourteen bit parameter, lP is the low half of a fourteen bit parameter and wP is a whole seven bit parameter. Some manuals incorrectly specify some MIDI parameters as one greater than the value should be, unfortunately only the audio effect will present whether there is a discrepancy in the message transmitted. It is also worth noting that some values are split fourteen bit values (like instrument banks), please consult your MIDI device manual for reference tables and to see how to program these. EXTENDED INSTRUMENT SELECT Controller Change (B0) and Program Change (C0) B0 00 hP 20 lP C0 wP hP and lP are the type wP is the instrument group EFFECT SELECT System Exclusive (F0, F7) F0 43 1P 4C 02 01 wP hP lP F7 nP is the device identifier wP is the effect group hP and lP are the effect type EFFECT DEPTH Controller Change (B0) B0 5P wP nP is the effect group wP is the effect depth RELATED Instrument Editor: Overview Instrument Editor: Editing a MIDI Instrument Instrument Editor: Keyboard General: Glossary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r21122016 Return to the contents page |