AMCS - the Advanced Music Construction System

OVERVIEW				the Advance Music Construction System


	Sequence Editor: Overview


	This part of the documentation explains the purpose and use of the
Sequence Editor. This section allows for prearranging the automated manipulation
of the Track Levels, Instrument attributes and general playback, either as a
preset performance or a live accompaniment.


	The Sequence consist of a list of functions which are triggered on a
Sequence replay at the specified trigger time on each entry. At the head of the
table are descriptions which indicate what the column below is for. Position is
the cue tick time the sequence entry will be triggered, Function and Parameters
are the attributes for that entry.

	The Cursor is indicated by a dimming of the current entry, this can be
moved up and down with the keyboard, mouse or the Cursor Panel. The sequence is
viewed through a window of 15 entries at a time and can be scrolled by
attempting to move the Cursor past the start or end of the viewed area.

	Two coloured horizontal lines will be present on the sequence
arrangement and may or may not be in visible depending on if they are in the
range of the view. Yellow signifies the current Sequence playback position and
Red signifies the current Record position.

	Each entry is presented with the position time on the left and a two
line function description and attributes on the right. Below the function
description the attributes are shown as four compartments separated by dots.
Each part indicates the assignment of the action and the setting, they are
displayed as an acronym with an equal sign leading to a number. Any unused
parameters will be marked with a double dash, these will be ignored even if set
with a value.

	Editing can not be performed until the Sequence Record is invoked in the
Function Panel. A Sequence entry can be inserted or deleted using the keyboard
or the Function Panel. Coupling the Sequence record, playback and automate
record position in the Function Panel will allow the Sequence to be entered
during the Track playback.

	The following is a list of the Function types, related parameter
acronyms and their meaning;

	Function	Parameters	Description
	---------------	---------------	----------------------------------------

	CEASE ALL			Cease any automation

	CEASE MIXER			Cease any Mixer automation

	CEASE EFFECT			Cease any Effect automation

	PRESET +##			Retrieve Mixer Preset
				pB		Preset Bank
				aT		Automate Toggle
				aS		Automate Step
				aR		Automate Rate

	ONE-SHOT			Trigger Track Once
				tN		Track Number

	JOG BEFORE			Jog Track play position back one
				tN		Track Number

	JOG AFTER			Jog Track play position forward one
				tN		Track Number

	FADE IN				Automate Fade In
				aT		Automate Toggle
				aS		Automate Step
				aR		Automate Rate

	FADE OUT			Automate Fade Out
				aT		Automate Toggle
				aS		Automate Step
				aR		Automate Rate

	EFFECT MODIFY			Modify Instrument attribute
				iN		Instrument Number
				eR		Effect Rate

	EFFECT DECREMENT		Decrease an Instrument attribute
				iN		Instrument Number
				eR		Effect Rate

	EFFECT INCREMENT		Increase an Instrument attribute
				iN		Instrument Number
				eR		Effect Rate

	RESTART				Restart Track play position
				tN		Track Number

	RESTART ALL			Restart all Track play positions

	REVERSE ALL			Reverse all Track play directions

	TEMPO MODIFY			Modify the Tempo
				tR		Tempo Rate

	TEMPO DECREMENT			Decrease the Tempo
				tR		Tempo Rate

	TEMPO MODIFY			Increase the Tempo
				tR		Tempo Rate

	SHUFFLE MODIFY			Modify the Shuffle
				sV		Shuffle Value

	SEQUENCE MARKER			Sequence Marker
				mN		Marker Number

	SEQUENCE LOOP			Loop to a Marker
				mN		Marker Number
				lC		Loop Count

	SEQUENCE RELOCATE		Relocate play position to a Marker
				mN		Marker Number

	FORK PATH			Random relocate play position to Marker
				mN		Marker Number
				cP		Chance Percentage

	PANIC				Panic stop all Instruments


	Sequence Editor: Function Panel
	Side Bar: Cursor Panel
	Sequence Editor: Keyboard
	General: Glossary

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