AMCS - the Advanced Music Construction System

KEYBOARD LAYOUT				the Advance Music Construction System


	Sequence Editor: Keyboard Layout


	This part of the documentation explains the purpose of the keyboard and
how various keys will function when pressed. In the Sequence Editor, the
keyboard can be used to modify certain properties of the song currently being
edited. This is a list defining all the keys relevant to this section.


	Below is a list of all the keys which can be used within the Sequence

		Key		Description
		---------------	------------------------------------------------

		Up		Move Cursor up
		Down		Move Cursor down
		Page Up		Move the Cursor up by a page of entries
		Page Down	Move the Cursor down by a page of entries
		Home		Move Cursor to the top
		End		Move Cursor to the bottom

		Left		Move Cursor to previous parameter
		Right		Move Cursor to next parameter
		I		Modify the Cursor selected parameter

		'		Current Mixer Level Preset Bank up
		Shift+'		Current Mixer Level Preset Bank down

		Escape		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in the current Bank
		F1		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +1
		F2		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +2
		F3		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +3
		F4		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +4
		F5		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +5
		F6		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +6
		F7		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +7
		F8		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +8
		F9		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +9
		F10		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +10
		F11		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +11
		F12		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +12
		Print		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +13
		Scroll Lock	Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +14
		Break		Retrieve Mixer Level Preset in Bank +15
		Shift held	Retrieve from the next Preset Bank
		Alt held	Retrieve Preset without Automation

		Return		Toggle Play
		[		Decrease Tempo
		]		Increase Tempo
		`		Restart all the current Track positions
		Backspace	Reverse the direction of playback

		Tab		Change the current Section
		Menu key	Raise the Function Panel
		Logo key	Toggle vocalised descriptions

		P		Toggle Function Panel Keyboard control
		Up		While in Keyboard control, select next button
		Down		While in Keyboard control, select previous
		Left		While in Keyboard control, set function down
		Right		While in Keyboard control, toggle function or
				set function up
		I		While in Keyboard control, modify attribute

		L		Toggle lock


	Sequence Editor: Overview
	Sequence Editor: Function Panel
	Side Bar: Cursor Panel
	General: Glossary

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